Energy Fiji Limited

 MR 277/2017

Vegetation Management for FEA’s Deepwater Feeder

The Energy Fiji Limited invites sealed tenders from EFL Trained and Certified Contractors to undertake Vegetation Management on FEA’s Deepwater Feeder, Korovou.

Interested Bidders are to meet at the FEA’s Kinoya Depot at 9:00am on Monday 23rd October, 2017 & Tuesday 24th October, 2017 for the project briefing, collection of tender documents and a compulsory site visit.

For Site visit details, please contact Kishan Kumar on 9992 411. Failure to attend the compulsory site visit will result in automatic disqualification of the tender bid.

For information or clarification please contact our Supply Chain Office on phone (+679) 3224360 or (+679) 9991587.

The successful Bidder will be responsible for the total execution of the work, which includes transportation of all materials to the site.

This tender closes at 4:00 p.m. (16.00hrs Fiji time) on Wednesday 1st November, 2017.

It is mandatory for bidders to submit two (2) hard copies of tenders in sealed envelopes and clearly marked as –“MR 277/2017 – Vegetation Management for FEA’s Deepwater Feeder”; addressed as follows; The Secretary – Tender Committee, Energy Fiji Limited, Private Mail Bag, Suva; or be deposited in the Tender Box located at the Energy Fiji Limited Head Office, 2 Marlow Street, Suva; by no later than the above stipulated date and time.

The bidders must ensure that their bid is inclusive of all Taxes payable under Fiji Income Tax Act and must have the most current Tax Compliance Certificate.

All late tenders, unmarked envelopes and envelopes without bidder’s name and address on the reverse will be returned to the Tenderers unopened. (Bids via e-mail or fax will not be considered).

The lowest bid will not necessarily be accepted as the successful bid.

Click here for tender specifications