Company Information
The Energy Fiji Limited, previously the Fiji Electricity Authority, was established, incorporated and constituted under the provisions of the Electricity Act of 1966 and began operating from 1 August of that year.
The powers, functions and duties of EFL under the Electricity Act are for the basic purpose of providing and maintaining an efficient and cost-effective power supply to the Fijian people in a safe and secure manner that meets high benchmarks in quality. Every consumer group in Fiji is charged a uniform tariff rate to ensure affordability across the socio-economic spectrum. These tariffs are determined by the Regulator, the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) on submission for a review by Energy Fiji Limited and the tariffs are designed to meet specific objectives while simultaneously achieving a reasonable rate of return for the shareholders.
The EFL was entrusted with enforcing the Electricity Act and Regulations, setting standards, examining and registering electricians, and was empowered to approve and license suppliers to serve certain areas till FCCC was appointed as the Regulator on 30th September 2019 when the Electricity Act 2017 was gazetted. However, EFL has signed an MOA with the FCCC to continue to carry out certain regulatory functions until further notice.
The Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) was corporatised into Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) on 16 April 2018, a public company limited by shares, and was registered under the Companies Act. EFL has also been appointed as the successor entity of FEA. One of the key objectives of the corporatisation of FEA is to provide an opportunity for Fijians to share in the economic benefits of FEA and list the newly corporatised entity on the South Pacific Stock Exchange which will promote the development of Fiji’s capital market. In March 2017, a new Electricity Act 2017 was passed by Parliament, however, the new Electricity Act 2017 was gazetted on 1st October 2019 and came into effect.